Body First Bowen Therapy
Healing Philosophy.
The cornerstone of any therapeutic relationship is partnership. The partnership between you as a client and me as therapist is critical to creating a safe and respectful space where you can discuss what is relevant to your treatment. I encourage every client to let me know what it is they need at any stage of the session.
With the more spiritual sessions I do I am very clear about setting an intention to ask that whatever is most needed by you is delivered. I am very careful to ensure that I provide a safe space that is protected at every level.
I always feel that I am blessed to be working in a role very like what I did as a midwife. Supporting people birthing in their new perspective. It is a real honour to see the transformational changes people go through and I love being a witness to that.
At a practical level I believe simple measures create good physical, emotional and spiritual health. Drinking clean water, eating food found in nature and good sleep patterns are a foundation to health and vitality. Meditation, in any form that allows you to listen deeply to your body and inner wisdom is a gift that keeps on giving. Taking good care of yourself is the the best gift you can pass on to others and now is the best time to start.